Jessica Klimach is your Yoga Teacher for Flexibility & Strength. Her progressive teaching technique THE FLEX&FLOW METHOD is a new way of movement that deepens your flexibility, builds muscles you didn't know existed and energetically tunes into your body’s needs. It’s designed for the movement enthusiast who is ready to get into that advanced flexy poses and the gym hitter who wants to unlock a new level of strength. FLEX&FLOW is rooted in anatomy, Yoga and functional exercises, its a new way of moving your body that simultaneously stretches and strengthens your muscles with simple resistance bands & blocks in the mix with fluid flexy movements. You will find all the resources here to help you on your journey and succeed in your goals. Jessica is sharing her knowledge as a Yoga Teacher with emphasis on flexibility & strength trainings in a modern, energizing, inspirational and challenging way through fun and creative movement to help you finding joy in your practice that allows you to step into a stronger, more powerful and flexible version of you.




Do you think Visvamitrasana is impossible for you? Let’s work on Shoulder Opening, Arm Strength and Inner Thigh flexibility!

Supported Splits - Elevation is one of the main 4 Stretching Techniques I teach to help you to increase your flexibility efficiently. You will learn how this sets you up for success.


Stuck in your Forward Fold progress because of those tight Hamstrings? There are effective strategies to overcome what is holding you back.

Schedule Your Classes

Find a Flow that fits your Schedule

You can choose accordingly to your individual needs and practice the Flow that speaks to you today.

Today is the day to start increase strength & flexibility in a new way of movement without loosing the motivation to build a regular practice

You will practice with a certified Vinyasa and Alignment based Yoga teacher

The style of JESSICA KLIMACH YOGA is energizing, motivating, upbeat, positive and inclusive. The practice speaks to Beginners as well as to Advanced Yogis who want to work actively into flexibility and strength building through creative sequenced classes, trainings, workshops and retreats.

Learn more about your teacher